Nowadays teens seem to have it all, which can make it tough to pick out a gift they can appreciate on special occasions. Forget about trying to decipher which of the most popular ear buds to opt for, or trying to fight the crowds for the latest video games – here are a few unique gift ideas that your teen probably doesn't already own, and may have never thought of having before:
Ancient Roman Coins
The only type of coins most teens ever think about is the kind they can spend, but starting up a collection of ancient Roman coins can become a rewarding and lucrative hobby. First introduced in Italy in the late 4th century BCE, ancient Roman coins were minted for eight centuries, although the types of coins and their values would change somewhat throughout the years.
Today, you can get your hands on ancient coins for sale of the Emperor and the Republic, each one of them marked with personal stories of the centuries of their time here on earth. The images on these coins were made by hand, offering a striking look into the past that any teenager can appreciate. As time goes on most ancient Roman coins increase in value, even if for collection purposes so they are a gift that keeps on giving.
Cool Canvas Wall Art
Give the teen in your life an opportunity to recreate the look and feel of their bedroom with large pieces of canvas wall art. You can have their favorite super stars, colors, and designs printed on the wall art and let them transform their walls without the need for any paint or other permanent alterations.
If you are at a loss for design ideas, consider having photos of a special time or scene printed on the canvas. Asking friends for photos and ideas is a great way to get your hands on design material that stems from their social life.
Easy-to-Use Cookbooks
Whether teens want to admit it or not, learning to cook is an important part of avoiding hunger throughout the day. After all, there isn't typically a parent in the kitchen just waiting to whip up a batch of cookies or throw together a stir-fry every time your teen gets hungry. Learning to cook as a teen can make college and early adulthood a lot easier too.
There are several excellent cookbooks available on the market that's geared toward the younger crowd. Some focus on "microwave cooking" and snack making, while others offer advice for meal planning, grocery lists, and even holiday feast directions.
Dance or Acting Classes
Help your teen explore their artistic side with the help of dance or acting classes. Look into college classes that are open to the entire community, night classes at local theaters, and even private classes offered by professionals in the area. Consider putting together a package of introductory classes that cover a range of different artistic options such as jazz, hip hop, and drama, so your teen has the opportunity to decide for themselves what they would ultimately like to spend their time learning and engaging in.
A Donation to a Worthy Cause
Give the gift of charity by donating to an animal shelter, an environmental group, educational programs, or international efforts in the name of your teen and present them with a certificate to commemorate the occasion. Many charities allow you to make a donation and then have information about the cause itself and the results of the donation send to your teen so they have clear insight into what they have helped to achieve in the world thanks to your gift.
These thoughtful gifts may not be what your teen is used to getting on special occasions, but it will help to open their world up to adventure, experience, and the opportunity to help others.